Remember thinking your dad was an idiot?

Just at some mental misfire or another?

I think Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs) are the bees’ knees. I have them on all of my computers, of course, but I have several more deployed in convenience applications. If you run a lot of UPSs, then you know their batteries typically require replacement after four or five years. Many of mine use the same battery, so I keep them in stock.

So one started howling the other day. I just turned it off until I could get to it. When I did, I couldn’t find my in-stock batteries. I was sure I had at least two. I checked five logical places and slept on it. (Understand, these are chunky items, essentially the size and weight of bricks. They’re not hiding in the kitchen junk drawer, dig?) Finally I gave up and ordered two more batteries.

When they arrived, I replaced the worn-out battery, leaving me one for stock. I identified a place in the garage where I thought I wouldn’t lose track of it.

(Have you guessed the punchline?)

I went to that spot, and there my two older in-stock batteries were, smiling at me.

Why didn’t I think of that spot when I was looking for them three days earlier? Who knows?

Will this post blaze a sufficient trail in my memory to prevent me adding a fourth battery to that same intermittently-forgotten cache at some point hence? Who knows?

How is my brain going to work—or not—when I really do get old?

Who knows?

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