Welcome to the second half

This is the first blog post I’ve written since May 3 last year. I didn’t know how long the break would be, but I knew I needed it.

(Turned out 14 months and change was about right for a halftime.)

I started again because there are things I miss writing about. I’ve had things to say and no place as satisfying as a vanity blog to say them. I’ve appreciated all of you who have encouraged me to resume (and been surprised by your numbers).

I want to keep some things light. I definitely want to continue reviewing restaurants, because that’s what I most often hear former readers tell me they miss. I’ll still review hot sauces. I’ll talk about a book or a movie once in a while. If something happens to me in the course of a day and I believe I can entertain you with it, then that will make the cut too.

One thing you won’t find here is overt politics, red meat or otherwise. It’s disheartening for me to write something with care and have no one read it (or worse, dismiss it with canned, thoughtless, irrelevant epithets and insults). The mid-2020s find far too many Americans afflicted with a terribly toxic one-two of extreme polarization and aggressive ignorance.

I hope to have some good things to say about what we can do as individuals. One point I have consistently made when discussing the many political disappointments of the past decade or so is that by and large, what we have to do day-to-day doesn’t change. We must take care of our families, work hard, and live within our means. Part of why we must do these things is because they enable us to bring our best selves to helping others.

And that’s the realm in which I’m trying to operate. I’m actively trying not to borrow anger. I imagine I will discuss causes that are important to me from time to time, but I do not view these causes through a political lens, and in most cases I believe it’s a mistake to do so. There are tenets of basic decency that should unite us, and that should not require that we check for a little (D) or little (R) associated with their espousers.

I’m not sure how things will go. I assure you, I had no idea the BoWilliams.com blog would last most of 17 years. But, following a great deal of contemplation, I’ve decided it’s worthwhile to hang another shingle.

So here I am. I’m happy you’re here!

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